Imagine a mobile studio that instantly materializes on a kitchen or dining room table - one minute an empty space and the next a surface covered with multiple computers and monitors, a spider web of cables, and lots of notebooks, tape cases, and external hardrives which hold the current state of the documentary. Jenna, Jane and I have met several times like this in various locations - at Uncle Frosty's river house last year, in our dining room, and most recently at Jenna's house in Blacksburg. With each meeting we make a little more progress and set the agenda for our next working time. I'll be posting a short snippet of some of what we've accomplished so far here soon, but I wanted to take a minute to remind our friends that one day, hopefully soon, we'll have a film for all to see.
Watching the clips at your house this weekend was amazing--I can't wait until the project is done! And I can't wait to get some inspiration this next year from your house--I think the gardens and art will work great for that.
I really like the way you treat how they're managing water, like a chapter in a book devoted just to water management. You don't flit from one picture to another so fast we can't focus on the event and absorb what you're showing us. This clip is fun to watch!
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